位於台南的全美戲院,是目前全台灣僅存仍使用手繪電影看板的電影院,戲院的設備亦是不少懷舊愛好者的必訪之地。全美戲院目前傳至第三代,除保留過往復古的氛圍外,亦希望能將往日戲院文化的底蘊能夠繼續流傳。活動會有兩個部份,上半部場將會邀請「台灣國寶電影手繪海報畫師」顏振發師傅、台南全美戲院第三代吳堉田先生分享。下半部份,參加者更可與顏振發師傅及人氣畫家阿力@塵阿力映畫 一同art jam。

Chuang Mei Theater, the only remaining place using hand-painted film posters in Taiwan, attracted visits by loads of nostalgic film lovers. Operated by owner’s third generation, the theater now not only preserves the historical features and atmosphere, but also hopefully promotes the unique theatrical culture extensively. The sharing will be divided into two parts. Mr. Chen-Fa YEN, national treasure hand-painted film poster master, and Mr. Yu-Tien WU, the third generation of the owner of the Chuang Mei Theater will share in the first part of the event about this diminishing skill. Followed by the art jam seminar by Mr. Chen-Fa YEN and Hong Kong artist Alex Chan.

◐ PART A) 「台南全美戲院的流金歲月」The Old Good Days in Tainan Chuang Mei Theater


Mr. Chen-Fa YEN is the renowned hand-painter film poster artist in Taiwan. He began his career since 18, and accumulated more than 50 years of invaluable experience. He is currently working in Chuang Mei Theater as the one and only movie poster painter in Taiwan. Chuang Mei Theater is one of the oldest cinema in Taiwan, with nearly 70 years history. Mr. Yu-Tien WU, originated in Tainan, is the third generation of the heir of the Chuang Mei Theater. Mr. Chen-Fa YEN  and Mr. Yu-Tien WU will share the diminishing skill, and how to use theircreativity and dynamics to revitalize the conventional culture.

日期 Date|2019.11.10 (Sun)
時間 Time|11:00-12:00
地點 Venue| 9/F Forum 誠品銅鑼灣店 Eslite Hong Kong Causeway Bay
嘉賓 Speaker|顏振發師傅Mr. Chen-Fa YEN、吳堉田先生 Mr. Yu-Tien WU
活動語言 Language| 國語、廣東話 Putonghua & Cantonese
報名 Registration|不設劃位,先到先得 Free seating, first come first reserve

◐ PART B) 「港台大師交流 – 手繪電影海報」Taiwan and Hong Kong Artists crossover: Hand-painted Movie Poster Art Jam
手繪電影海報是一項快要失傳的傳統技藝,至今累積50多年的畫畫經驗,並被譽為「台灣國寶電影廣告板畫師」目前擔任台南全美戲院手繪電影海報板的顏振發師傅親身到港,與香港人氣畫家阿力@塵阿力映畫一同與參加者分享手繪電影海報心得,參加者更可與兩位大師一同Art Jam。

Accumulated more than 50 years of invaluable experience, the one and only movie poster painter in Taiwan, the Taiwan renowned hand-painter film poster artist Mr. Chen-Fa YEN will come to Hong Kong. He will join Hong Kong famous painter Alex Chan teaching hand-painted movie poster in the event.

日期 Date|2019.11.10 (Sun)
時間 Time|12:00-14:00
地點 Venue| 9/F Forum 誠品銅鑼灣店 Eslite Hong Kong Causeway Bay
嘉賓 Speaker|顏振發師傅Mr. Chen-Fa YEN、塵阿力映畫 Alex Chan
活動語言Language| 國語、廣東 Putonghua & Cantonese
名額 Number of seat|12 (先到先得成功報名者會以電郵通知, first come first reserve, notification email will be sent to successful applicants)
費用 Fee|免費 Free (包顏料、繪畫工具 including materials)
查詢 Enquiry|admin@triptaiwan.com

主辦 Organizer|去台灣TripTaiwan、台灣觀光局駐香港辦事處 Taiwan Tourism Bureau HK
支持單位 Supported by|光華新聞文化中心 Kwong Hua Information and Culture Center

條款及細則 Terms & Conditions:

1. 活動名額有限,先到先得,並於11月3日前以電郵形式通知成功報名的參加者。Seats are limited. First come first reserve and notification email will be sent to successful applicants by November 3.
2. 如有任何更改及爭議,主辦單位保留最終決定權。 The organizers reserve the rights for any amendment and dispute of the event.

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